Friday, May 10, 2013

Bow Net Demonstration Night & Sale!!

Soccer 2000 will be hosting a Bow Net demonstration night on Sunday, May 19th from 3pm-5-pm. Stop by for a chance to see how incredibly easy these goals are to use. They're perfect for small or large spaces indoors or outdoors.
All goals bought or ordered on May 19th will receive 
20% OFF
the original retail price.
Goal Size Original Price Sale Price
3x5 $119.99 $95.99
4x8 $199.99 $159.99
5x10 $329.99 $263.99
6x12 $359.99 $287.99
2x3 m. Futsol Net $379.99 $303.99
7x14 $399.99 $319.99
6.5x18 $469.99 $375.99
7x21 $599.99 $479.99
8x24 $699.99 $559.99
12x3 ft. Soccer Tennis $229.99 $183.99
18x2'9" Soccer Tennis $269.99 $215.99
(All prices include shipping. Sale prices only valid on May 19th)

Orders can be placed in store on May 19th or by calling us at (630) 241-9500.

By emailing us at or calling us at (630) 241-9500.

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